U00 - ETH
Ethereum Analytics - Last 24 Hours


  • Views

  • Number of transactions per minute
  • Number of ERC20 transfers by minute
  • Number of new contracts per minute
  • Number of rejected transactions per minute
  • ETH transfer volume per minute
  • New ETH Contracts - Last 24 hours
  • Summary
  • Bitcoin - Price (USDT)
  • ETH - Price (USDT)
  • Bitcoin - Volatility
  • ETH - Volatility
  • Token Tether USD - Transfer Amount
  • Token Tether USD - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token BNB - Transfer Amount
  • Token BNB - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token BNB - Price (USDT)
  • Token BNB - volatility
  • Token BNB - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Wrapped TON Coin - Transfer Amount
  • Token Wrapped TON Coin - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Wrapped TON Coin - Price (USDT)
  • Token Wrapped TON Coin - volatility
  • Token Wrapped TON Coin - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token SHIBA INU - Transfer Amount
  • Token SHIBA INU - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token SHIBA INU - Price (USDT)
  • Token SHIBA INU - volatility
  • Token SHIBA INU - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token ChainLink Token - Transfer Amount
  • Token ChainLink Token - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token ChainLink Token - Price (USDT)
  • Token ChainLink Token - volatility
  • Token ChainLink Token - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Wrapped Ether - Transfer Amount
  • Token Wrapped Ether - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Wrapped Ether - Price (USDT)
  • Token Wrapped Ether - volatility
  • Token Wrapped Ether - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Wrapped BTC - Transfer Amount
  • Token Wrapped BTC - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Wrapped BTC - Price (USDT)
  • Token Wrapped BTC - volatility
  • Token Wrapped BTC - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Uniswap - Transfer Amount
  • Token Uniswap - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Uniswap - Price (USDT)
  • Token Uniswap - volatility
  • Token Uniswap - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token NEAR - Transfer Amount
  • Token NEAR - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token NEAR - Price (USDT)
  • Token NEAR - volatility
  • Token NEAR - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Pepe - Transfer Amount
  • Token Pepe - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Pepe - Price (USDT)
  • Token Pepe - volatility
  • Token Pepe - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Dai Stablecoin - Transfer Amount
  • Token Dai Stablecoin - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Dai Stablecoin - Price (USDT)
  • Token Dai Stablecoin - volatility
  • Token Dai Stablecoin - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Token Fetch - Transfer Amount
  • Token Fetch - Number of transactions per minute
  • Token Fetch - Price (USDT)
  • Token Fetch - volatility
  • Token Fetch - Price (USDT) minus BTC price
  • Pages

  • Ethereum Analytics - U00
  • Tokens
  • ETH - Summary
  • Token Tether USD - Summary
  • Token BNB - Summary
  • Token Wrapped TON Coin - Summary
  • Token SHIBA INU - Summary
  • Token ChainLink Token - Summary
  • Token Wrapped Ether - Summary
  • Token Wrapped BTC - Summary
  • Token Uniswap - Summary
  • Token NEAR - Summary
  • Token Pepe - Summary
  • Token Dai Stablecoin - Summary
  • Token Fetch - Summary
  • Token prices minus BTC price
  • Tokens volatility

  • number-of-transactions-per-minute
  • number-of-erc20-transfers-per-minute
  • number-of-new-contracts-per-minute
  • number-of-rejected-transactions-per-minute
  • eth-transfer-volume-per-minute
  • new-eth-contracts-list
  • summary
  • btc-price
  • eth-price
  • btc-volatility
  • eth-volatility
  • token-usdt-transfer-amount
  • token-usdt-number-of-transactions
  • token-bnb-transfer-amount
  • token-bnb-number-of-transactions
  • token-bnb-price
  • token-bnb-volatility
  • token-bnb-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-toncoin-transfer-amount
  • token-toncoin-number-of-transactions
  • token-toncoin-price
  • token-toncoin-volatility
  • token-toncoin-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-shib-transfer-amount
  • token-shib-number-of-transactions
  • token-shib-price
  • token-shib-volatility
  • token-shib-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-link-transfer-amount
  • token-link-number-of-transactions
  • token-link-price
  • token-link-volatility
  • token-link-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-weth-transfer-amount
  • token-weth-number-of-transactions
  • token-weth-price
  • token-weth-volatility
  • token-weth-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-wbtc-transfer-amount
  • token-wbtc-number-of-transactions
  • token-wbtc-price
  • token-wbtc-volatility
  • token-wbtc-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-uni-transfer-amount
  • token-uni-number-of-transactions
  • token-uni-price
  • token-uni-volatility
  • token-uni-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-near-transfer-amount
  • token-near-number-of-transactions
  • token-near-price
  • token-near-volatility
  • token-near-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-pepe-transfer-amount
  • token-pepe-number-of-transactions
  • token-pepe-price
  • token-pepe-volatility
  • token-pepe-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-dai-transfer-amount
  • token-dai-number-of-transactions
  • token-dai-price
  • token-dai-volatility
  • token-dai-price-minus-btc-price
  • token-fet-transfer-amount
  • token-fet-number-of-transactions
  • token-fet-price
  • token-fet-volatility
  • token-fet-price-minus-btc-price
  • Copyright (c) Poluianov Ivan, 2024